Collaborators with

Hello. We are The Possibility Project.
Collaborators with people and planet. Founders of the slow clothing label slumwear108.
We are peaceful disruptors, using social entrepreneurship to promote restorative justice.
We invite you to sign up to our posts of possibility.
What's On/ Event Bookings
Our Posts of Possibility
From permaculture to slow clothing: Active citizens have something valuable to say.
One of the most obvious critiques of buying quality over quantity is that ‘not everyone can afford to’ - this is true, so the ones amongst us that can do...
When solving problems - don’t take sides!
It can feel difficult to wholeheartedly celebrate anything at the moment, humans are relational beings, we need each other to thrive, but Covid19, the climate crisis, systematic bias, inequity, are...
Mindfulness and Meditation: Enjoy our free meditations
There are many available forms of mindfulness and meditation, each with some variation to help us expand our consciousness and bring a sense of connectedness to our lives. Mindfulness and meditation is...
Where to find us?
Good question!
Best to check out our instagram for our next market appearance.