World. We have a problem. Fortunately we also have 7billion+ solutions.

Restorative justice: creative solutions by people for planet
The Possibility Project is a Sydney social enterprise founded by Kim Pearce and Kath Davis. Join us at our Wahroonga HQ, where you will find our entire slow clothing range slumwear108, consciously made products from Australian designers and workshops and classes designed to connect each other to a 'bigger picture'.
Our purpose is to deliver products and projects that tell a valuable story. We believe that serious human and environmental problems are too often attached to a poverty consciousness, a belief that somehow we are not enough or we don’t have enough. We are here to help change that.
'Never seperate the lives you live from the words you speak' Wellstone
Everything we do sits within four attitudes - anything is possible, we already have the resources needed to create change, everyone has a gift to offer and true value is created through collaboration. We witness these attitudes from the entrepreneurial slum communities we work with, and have enacted them to create our beautiful slow clothing label slumwear108.
Waste + Creative Thinking = Solutions
We are passionate advocates of the circular economy and believe that waste is the greatest opportunity to make change on our planet. The intangible waste of the human spirit needs addressing and we use our speaking and school engagements to deliver a simple message of this possibility: complex problems can definitely have simple solutions.

This is our playground for restorative justice. Enjoy.
Love Kath and Kim
Video of Sparrow Sanitation made by The Conscious Club.